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Connects TDM-to-N64

Assume it is needed to send some TDM E1/T1 span out using Ethernet. It is possible to send a whole E1/T1 span using the Command CONNECT.

Command syntax Description

connect tdmli:li<E1T1_span_number>[:format] n64:<ID>:<interface>[:MAC[:MTU]]


RX Part (TDM E1/T1):

E1T1_span_number - E1/T1 Span Number, from 0 ... N-1, N=2 for the Alvis-CSI-2 or N=4 for the Alvis-CSI-4;
format - defines which timeslots to send/receive; can take following values:
1 - 32: 32 connects timeslots 0-31, 31 connects timeslots 1-31, 30 connects timeslots 2-31, etc.;
raw: connects timeslots 0-31;
mask[ts1,ts2,ts3,…]: defines the list of timeslots to connect, e.g. mask[3,7,11] connects timeslots 3, 7, 11.
By default (if there are no format set) 31 is used (connects timeslots 1-31).

TX Part (UDP):

ID - identifier of the N64 stream;
interface - name of the interface (eth0 or lo);
MAC - MAC address of the Remote Host (default: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF);
MTU - size of MTU (default: 1050 bytes).

Simple Example

   connect tdmli:0:raw n64:1:eth0:00:0C:29:C6:04:62

In this example timeslots 0-31 from E1/T1 span Li#0 will be sent over Ethernet from the RtpBridge networking interface eth0 to the remote host MAC address 00:0C:29:C6:04:62, using ID 1 for the N64 stream.