N64 Streaming packet structure

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The RtpBridge can send/receive a full E1 span super channels over UDP.

It uses the following format of UDP packets payload:

4 bytes 4 bytes N * coTs bytes
Seq coTs E1 data

Nx64 Streaming Header Structure

   struct N64Header{
     OTX_UINT32 nSeq;
     OTX_UINT32 coTs;

N64 Streaming Fields description

  • Seq is a 32-bit sequence for the channel (which starts with 0 and increments by one for every packet)
  • coTs is an amount of E1 timeslots in super channel (RTP Bridge supports up to 32 timeslots)
  • E1 data is N amount of E1 frames (N is any positive number) with coTs timeslots in each frame (timeslot 1 comes first, timeslot 2 comes 2nd, and so on).