Otx XdmLink layer API Functions

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The OTX XdmLink Layer API provides an implementation of the functions needed for efficient interconnection with XdmLink. In addition, the API provides functions for the remote usage of XdmLink. The base API functions are:

Function Name Function Description
OtxXdmCreateLink() Opens Codec Engine and creates XdmLink instance.
OtxXdmCreateLinkEx() Sets DSP server file, opens Codec Engine and creates XdmLink instance.
OtxXdmCloseLink() Closes XdmLink and Codec Engine.
OtxXdmGetLinkHandle() Returns XdmLink handle.
OtxXdmAddCallback() Adds callback to be called by XdmLink.
OtxXdmRemoveCallback() Removes callback previously added to be called by XdmLink.
OtxXdmStartNetworking() Start networking operations. It is possible to send commands to XdmLink and receive responds with Ethernet sockets after this function is called.
OtxXdmStopNetworking() Shut down sockets activated with OtxXdmStartNetworking.
OtxXdmGetDspLoad() Gets DSP CPU load level (in per cent).
OtxXdmGetPcmBufs() Returns PCM buffers used by XdmLink to perform processing.
OtxXdmProcess() Calls XdmLink processing with provided buffers.
OtxXdmIoCtrl() Sends I/O Control with existing XdmLink.
OtxXdmConstructHandle() Constructs handle for new Logical Device.
OtxXdmTurnTraces() Turns XdmLink traces (including DSP traces) on/off.

The Core2Core API functions are:

Function Name Function Description
OtxXdmCore2CoreEnable() Enables Core2Core TDM data processing.
OtxXdmCore2CoreDisable() Disables Core2Core TDM data processing.
OtxXdmCore2CoreReadData() Gets Rx data from Core2Core TDM.
OtxXdmCore2CoreSendData() Sets Tx data to Core2Core TDM.