Command Line Arguments

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The RtpBridge accepts several command line arguments:

Option Description
--help Show this help
--version Show program version
--daemon Run this program as daemon
--testrtp Switches testing of RTP channels on
--packetsize ms Set explicit amount of ms in packet
--burst Use burst events (instead of core2core)
-v Increase verboseness level
--httpport port Bind port for HTTP control interface
--udpport port Bind port for UDP control interface
--port Bind port for telnetn
--getsn Saves S/N in /tmp/sn.txt
--exportcfg file Exports current configuration to the tar archive file
--load Prints warnings if DSP load is above the load per cent
--nohttp Turns HTTP control interface off
--nocontroludp Turns UDP control interface off
--notelnet Turns telnet interface off
--noconf Turns conferences support off
--notdm Turns TDM support off
--nortp Turns RTP support off
--id Sets identifier for RtpBridge instance (default is 0)
--xdmstats Switches XDM i/o counting on
--raw Use raw sockets for RTP rx
--resync Attempt to resync in the case of nlink sync loss
--log file Uses specified file for logs (default log file is /tmp/rtpbridge.log)
--bertblink Turns on BERT status indication with LED
--autodisable Turns on burst (TDM) autodisable
--txprefill count Sets amount of TX buffers prefilled in core2core

Usage: rtpbridge [params]

  • Example
/opt/rtpbridge/rtpbridge --help